products storage & access
EO Catalog : GOSMIC Images Cataloging
EO Catalog offers an image catalog discovery, search and visualization:
- Software designed and optimized to federate data sources in a STAC catalogue
- Access to remote EO data catalog, on-the-fly request to federated data sources
This approach is enabled using EODAG, a popular Open-Source Software library developed by CS GROUP and its community. EODAG is used by many universities, industrial contributors, institutions (ESA, EUSPA, CNES, EUM, ECMWF…) with a mature solution allowing to access several data providers with all their data catalog.
functional overview
EO Catalog Main Features
STAC Standard Alignment
The use of STAC API simplifies the integration with other building block visualization tools as demonstrated with integration with STAC browser or QGIS. The catalogue integrates a description of each of the collections with keywords, description of the sensor, the mission, as well as additional information as the data providers/licensors, the bands...
This level of information provides great added value to the end user. The integration is illustrated with integration with STAC Browser and with the EOCatalogue bespoke UI. The information provided are also compliant with CEOS Service Metadata and Discovery Best Practices.