Common Services
METIS Core : GOSMIC Infrastructure Kernel

METIS follows an Open Architecture philosophy, allowing users to integrate and customize components based on their specific needs. It emphasizes openness, interoperability, and the ability to incorporate both proprietary and open-source technologies seamlessly. The Key Characteristics of METIS are the following:
- Based on proven Open-Source technologies with no contamination risk,
- Integrated monitoring tools,
- Micro-service architecture for maximum modularity and interoperability,
- Compatible with Cloud, on-premise and hybrid infrastructures,
- Compatible with all cloud providers and easy to redeploy to prevent vendor-lock-in,
- Secured by-design,
- Highly customizable.
METIS eases new platforms creation, as well as integration with existing systems, allowing organizations to leverage their current infrastructure investments, smoothing transitions, and minimizing disruptions.
functional overview
METIS Core Main Features
All components of GOSMIC Product Line can be deployed on METIS Core asset that brings number of capacities. Among them you will find :
- Rapid, automatic deployment on premise or in the cloud,
- Versioning and Compatibility: Considering the rapid evolution cycle of open-source components, METIS core has been specially designed to provide reusable, easily deployable and integrable building blocks. A DevOps methodology - including continuous deployment - guarantee the quality of the METIS based system.
- Centralizes base elements required for all deployments,
- Designed for low hardware coupling,
- Authentication and Security: METIS includes authentication mechanisms, data encryption, access control, and compliance with data privacy regulations in order to ensure secure and authorized access to data and services while integrating internal components and external platforms.
- Advanced security (vulnerability, auditing, etc.)
- Integrated monitoring (system and application).