Orbit Calculation
OreFLIDS : GOSMIC Flight Dynamics System
OREFLIDS is a generic product allowing the development of an FDS in an easy and quickly way for any type of mission (LEO, GEO, nanosatellites, constellations, etc.).
Modeling and managing orbital position and movement of satellites using OREKIT open-source FD library
OreFLIDS is an infrastructure :
- Set of generic flight dynamic (FD) algorithms configurable for any missions
- Allow easy integration of external FD algorithms
Open source
OREKIT space dynamics library
OREFLIDS relies on the OREKIT open-source low level space dynamics library, started by CS GROUP in 2002. This world-wide used library gathers calculation features for :
- Time, Geometry, Spacecraft state, Earth models
- Covariance, Propagation, Attitude, Orbit determination
- Collisions, Maneuvers, GNSS, Orbit file handling
OREKIT is used in many applications and types of projects such as Flight Dynamics algorithms (mission analysis, studies, operational use), Command & Control Center, Flight Dynamics System, Mission Simulation Toolkit, Ground mission center, Space Situational Awareness (SSA), Catalog and Dashboard, 2D-3D Trajectory Visualisation Tools,...
An active community fueled by CS GROUP supports this open-source library through several events : OrekitDay (meeting the community), OrekitTalk (webinar),...
Version upgrade is mostly managed by CS GROUP by a set of Flight dynamics & mathematics experts dedicated to Orekit.

GOSMIC Flight Dynamics System overview
OREFLIDS Main Features
Orbit Determination
Function to estimate the satellite position at a given time from GNSS or stations measurements.
The module allows to parameterize the type of measurements that can be used, the parameters to be estimated, the estimation time and the convergence criteria of the restitution.
Orbit propagation
Allows performing an orbit propagation over a defined period, either absolute or relative to the orbit bulletin (creates an orbital trajectory with a given time step).
OREFLIDS offers several propagation modules (TLE propagation using SGP4 analytical force model, Numerical orbit propagation using a configurable force model).
Misc conversions
OREFLIDS offers a set of converting tools:
- ODM/OPM into specific output format (YAML, JSON, XML).
- State Vector Conversion (Time system, type of orbit, Orbit reference: Cartesian, circular, equinoctial or Keplerian.)
- TLE into CCSDS OPM or OEM format.
- Date converter : UTC, TAI, GLONASS, GPS,...
Station Keeping
Calculation of an optimal maneuver plan for the station keeping of a satellite with low thrust propulsion (electric/ionic) - see the publication : «Very low thrust station-keeping for low Earth orbiting satellites. Advances in Space Research.»

LEOP Maneuvers
Calculation of a maneuver plan for the Launch and Early Orbit Phases of a satellite with low-thrust propulsion (electric/ionic).
Collision Avoidance
Calculation of a collision avoidance maneuver plan for a low-thrust (electric/ionic) propulsion satellite. This innovative method was presented at the « 6th ESA Cubesat Industry Days ».
Events Generation
Allows to generate an event schedule for a given satellite, and for several orbital event types for a defined duration.
Many orbital events are natively included, but custom events can be added.
Measurement generators
OREFLIDS is able to generate GNSS (PVT) and stations measurements (Azimuth/Elevation, RADEC, Range Rate, Range) for simulation purposes.
Ephemeris Comparator
Satellite ephemeris comparison function allowing the analysis of differences between orbital elements.