Ground Control System
CSNano : GOSMIC Control Center
CSNano is the GOSMIC control center component:
- Based on micro-services architecture
- Cloud native product optimized to get the most of Cloud systems
- Multi-satellites
- Multi-missions
It consists in an integration of the following subsystems :
- CCnode: The TM/TC kernel is responsible for processing the telemetry data received from the satellite and developing the commands to be sent to it.
- GSnode: the ground station manager is the single point of interface between the control center and the ground stations.
Telemetry & Telecommand Processing
CCnode : the TM/TC Kernel
Telemetry Chain
CCnode, the TM/TC kernel of CSNano, provides the functions required to process the satellite Telemetry:
- TM Frames acquisition and packets extraction.
- TM Parameters Processing (calibration and monitoring).
- TM Distribution of processed parameters.

Telecommand Chain
On the Telecommand side, CSNano implements the following features:
- TC Encoding.
- TC packets generation and sending.
- TC COP-1 Management.
- TC History.

TM/TC chains are dynamically started on-demand for handling a specific stream of data and are stopped when processing is finished. This allows to save resources in the system and to handle many satellites by sharing resources between them.
TM/TC chains are fully compliant with the CCSDS Space Data Link Protocol and Space Data Link Security Protocol and with the ECSS PUS (Telemetry and Telecommand Packet Utilization) standards.

Monitoring Dashboards
A web-based application allows to visualize in the same place all the data that is processed by the TM/TC Kernel:
- Processed Telemetry parameters in several representation (table, graphics, gauges...),
- Commands History & acknowledgment,
- FOP states,
- PUS Alarm view,
- PUS On board schedules,...
The same application can also be used to monitor the system itself (CPU usage, disk pressures, …).

Visibilities View
The Visibilities view allows displaying more specifically the satellite fly-by. It is configurable to show/hide past visibilities, select the time slot of passes to display, filter by satellite and/or stations,...
For ongoing visibilities, the display changes and add real-time information such as a progress bar, polar change, countdown to each pass events,...

Satellite Operational Database
The satellite database is used to describe the telemetry and telecommands that the satellite can handle. On ground, it is used by the control center to process the TM packets received from the satellite and to encode the commands to send to satellite.
CSNano handles main database formats used by Satellite Prime contractors (XTCE,...).
Operational Procedures
In CSNano, the operational procedure language is based on Python language.
An Operational Procedure Editor called “CSNano Commander” handles the specificities of editing operational procedures (auto-completion for commands and command’s arguments , syntactic checks,...).
Simulation Test Tools
CSNano includes simulation tools with features allowing :
- Archived Telemetry replay,
- PUS packets generation (enabling full TM/TC loop).
Ground communications
GSnode : the Ground Station Manager

The Ground Station Manager (GSnode), manages the interface with the Ground Station Segment (GSS). This subsystem is particularly in charge of:
- Link initialization and connection control to the GSS for real-time data during each satellite pass.
- Link initialization and connection control to the GSS for remote commanding and monitoring of stations flows (when available)
- The booking of next passes for each satellite
- The provision of orbit information to GSS.
- The retrieval of ranging and measurements produced by the ground stations.
GSnode is able to manage several different providers at the same time (for the same or different missions).
GSnode is extensible: interface with the ground station provider is integrated via a service call.